Tuesday, December 24, 2019
2006 Arroyo Case Study - 31910 Words
2006 National Institute of Sta nda rds a nd Technolog y Technolog y Administration †¢ De pa rtment of Commerce Baldrige National Quality Prog ra m Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study 2006 National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology Administration †¢ Department of Commerce Baldrige National Quality Program Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study The Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study was prepared for use in the 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Examiner Preparation Course. The Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study describes a fictitious nonprofit organization in the health care sector. There is no connection between the fictitious Arroyo†¦show more content†¦Year(s) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Applicant __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Highest-Ranking Official X J Mr. J Mrs. J Ms. J Dr. Name Ramon Gonzalez _______________________________________________ Address 1345 Desert Bloom Ave. _________________________________________________ Title CEO _______________________________________________ Yuma, AZ 85364 _________________________________________________ Telephone No. (555) ARROYOF (277-6963), ext. 12 _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ r_gonzalez@af.net E-Mail _______________________________________________ Fax No. (555) 277-6967 _________________________________________________ 3. Eligibility Contact Point X J Mr. J Mrs. J Ms. J Dr. Name Roger Sinclair _______________________________________________ Address 2219 Lakeview Blvd. _________________________________________________ Title Director of Performance Excellence _______________________________________________ San Luis, AZ 85349 _________________________________________________ Telephone No. (555) 487-6235 _______________________________________________ Overnight Mailing Address (Do not use a P.O. Box number.) (555) 487-6277Show MoreRelated2006 Arroyo Case Study31910 Words  | 128 Pages2006 National Institute of Sta nda rds a nd Technolog y Technolog y Administration †¢ De pa rtment of Commerce Baldrige National Quality Prog ra m Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study 2006 National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology Administration †¢ Department of Commerce Baldrige National Quality Program Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study The Arroyo Fresco Community Health Center Case Study was prepared for use in the 2006 Malcolm Baldrige National QualityRead MoreArroyo Fresco Community Health Center Applied For The Baldrige Program1037 Words  | 5 PagesArroyo Fresco Community Health Center applied for the Baldrige Program which rates organizations in different sectors performance excellence. The program raises awareness about how an organization performance effects the United States and global economy. The program is an organizational assessment tool and criteria. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Contemporary Integrated Marketing Communications Free Essays
Introduction This paper is designed to provide an insight into the marketing integrated communication on the basis of a particular example. In the modern ever changing environment, it is quite difficult to follow the key trends in the marketing communications and the general role of marketing communications in the promotion of a company. As a result, it is important to scan the external environment for the latest trends that might affect the marketing communication mix of the studied company. We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Integrated Marketing Communications or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company in question is Get Fit Now! This company specializes in the delivery of fitness gym services to those who have become disillusioned about high membership fees. This company maintains its operations on a pay as you go basis. Critical analysis The marketing communication mix is an important part of any promotional strategy (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). This framework includes the suggestion of the particular advertising and promotional strategies aimed at the brand’s exposure and the development of brand interest amongst the consumers. The rise in the popularity of the Internet has changed the shape of the advertising industry (Evans, 2008). This shows that the Internet has facilitated the process of marketing information distribution and further promotion. Recently, as part of the Internet revolution, social media has become significant in relation to interactive communication and marketing promotion (Evans, 2008). The research suggests that social media has acquired a large power in terms of promotion, implying that prior to social media, one person could distribute the news to 1 or 2 individuals; whereas currently one person may communicate the news to 500 people (New York Times, 2011). Facebook and Twitter have become the most visited social network websites. Facebook has surpassed 1 billion subscribers; whereas Twitter maintains 500 million subscribers (BusinessWeek, 2012). The users tend to share their location details and their statuses on the social network websites. The majority of users have started to access the social networking websites via mobile devices contrary to the previous utilization of Broadband-enabled PCs and laptops (Humphrey and Laverie, 2011). In fact, the number of users, who access the Internet via Smartphones, has doubled over the recent years (New Market Trend Watch, 2012). With this in mind, the companies have started to benefit from the location based advertising via mobile access. Location based advertising is not a new concept, however the innovation attributed to this concept suggests mobile advertising tailoring on the basis of locations (Bruner and Kumar, 2007). Given the fact that the mobile phones are always with the individual, it makes it quite easy to generate interest among the consumers. There are two approaches to Location Based advertising, namely push and pull approach (Bruner and Kumar, 2007; Unni and Harmon, 2007). The push approach suggests that the companies send out adverts either to specific consumers and/or to all the consumers. The pull approach implies that the customer request the adverts themselves. Location based strategies and tactics are regarded to be part of the customer management strategy, which imply the delivery of the proactive individualized attention to the customers in the form of customized advertising. Humphrey and Laverie, (2011) suggest that the social media network has gone further and has started to introduce the incentives that are aimed at the development of willingness to share the location via social networking website. It is especially visible in the example of Foursquare (Humphrey and Laverie, 2011). This company provides the badges for a certain number of loca tion sharing events. Therefore, there is a great potential for this type of mobile advertising to grow , if the opportunity is seized by the company on time (Dao and Jeong, 2012). For instance, Facebook has reported a decline in its profits, since the management was late on the adoption of mobile advertising on the rise of popularity in mobile access (Bloomberg, 2012). Application of Theory to the Case Study Location-based advertising is regarded to be quite efficient, especially for the small-sized companies (Mashable, 2012). This is especially beneficial for the studied company, namely Get Fit Now! Gym Company. As a result, the location based advertising may be triggered by the location of this company and its branches. It has been estimated that it might be quite profitable for the small sized businesses. It has been estimated in the consumer survey in 2010 that 49 % would utilize the location based advertising, if the information that they would receive via advertisements would be more relevant (Internet Advertising Bureau, 2010). Given the fact, that a consumer is located in the region as the gym, namely Get Fit Now!, the location based advertising might trigger the consumer’s interest, and therefore the behavioural intentions to visit the gym or at least to ask for information about the services. Yoo, Donthu and Lee, (2000) have estimated that advertising positively affects the increase in the positive brand associations and therefore the increase in the brand equity. This implies that the frequency of the viewed advertising directly affects the increase in the cognitive processes of the consumers. This, in turn, drives the memorization of the certain advertisements (Yoo, Donthu and Lee, 2000). Therefore, the frequency of being located in the certain area directly affects the frequency of the viewed advertising. As a result, this is regarded to be a valuable advertisement, since it targets the individuals, who would be interested in visiting the Gym, due to the certain current location. It would be, however, more valuable and useful, to integrate more of consumer data in the location-based advertising. This implies that simple location might be a limited data for generation of consumer interest in the particular product or service (Xu, Oh and Teo, 2009). This research also implies that the mobile devices are still limited for the receipt of rich multimedia content, which may affect the quality of advertising. Therefore, even though, the consumer might receive the adverts, due to this limitation, they might lack interest in the content of advertising (Xu, Oh, Teo, 2009). As a result, this implies that location-based advertising is a relatively new area, which needs further development in the task of consumer demand’s escalation. Discussion The main challenges that are attributed to location based advertising imply that it is still new to the customers,so the consumers may be reluctant to utilize this kind of technology. This is mainly associated with privacy and security concerns. Kim et al., (2004) have estimated that for the new users of the innovative technology, privacy and security are the key issues for concern. However, it is stated that if there is valuable information, which is provided in exchange to the location–related data, the concerns about privacy and security are diminished (Mobile Marketer, 2012). The main problem lies in the ability to provide the products for the attributed target market, rather than for everyone. Therefore, the technology should be advanced enough in order to provide valuable information to the customers, based on the segmentation data, beyond the simple location. The main role in location based advertising is played by the actual mobile device. However some mobile companies are reluctant to promotelocation based advertising (Mobile Marketer, 2012). For instance, it has been estimated that recently, along with the new iOS6 platform, Apple has integrated its own branded maps, instead of Google maps. As a result, a number of glitches were reported within this system that has affected location based advertising in a very negative way (Mobile Marketer, 2012). Conclusion This report was designed in order to demonstrate the role of location based advertising in the modern marketing communication mix. It has been estimated that location based advertising is still in the first stages of development and promotion. This implies that for consumers, this is still regarded as innovative technology. This drives the development of concerns for privacy and security, related to this type of technology. Furthermore, it has been estimated that there is a large potential for location based advertising. However there is supposed to be some advanced technology integrated in order to be able to base the advertising on the segmentation variables, beyond the location. However, it has been estimated that for the small-sized businesses, location based advertising is regarded to be beneficial. Therefore, this type of advertising will be quite advantageous fro Get It Fit Now! Gyms. The main challenges are attributed to the innovative feature of this type of advertising and the inability to target the right customer segments. As a result, the customers do not have the ability to receive really valuable information in exchange for their location data. Another problem relates to the mobile companies that restrict the location based advertising on their devices. References: Bloomberg. (2012). Facebook Working on Location-Based Mobile-Ad Product. Available: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-18/facebook-readying-location-based-mobile-ad-product.html (Accessed on 9/1/2013) BusinessWeek. (2012). Facebook: The Making of 1 Billion Users. Available: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-10-04/facebook-the-making-of-1-billion-users (Accessed on 9/1/2013) Dao T., Jeong S., Ahn H. (2012). A novel recommendation model of location-based advertising: Context-Aware Collaborative Filtering using GA approach. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 39, pp. 3731-3739 Evans D. (2008). The Economics of the Online Advertising Industry. Review of Network Economics. Vol. 7, Iss.3, pp. 1446-9022 Humphrey W., Laverie D. (2011). Driving Frequency with Mobile Social Networks and the Mediating Effects of Price and Quota Promotions. IJMM, Winter, Vol.6, Iss.2, pp. 46-60 Internet Advertising Bureau. (2010). Location Based Advertising on mobile. Available: http://www.iabuk.net/sites/default/files/white-paper-docs/Location%20Based%20Advertising%20-%20Whitepaper.pdf (Accessed on 9/1/2013) Kim S.S., Malhotra K.N., Agarwal J. (2004). Internet Users’ Information Privacy Concerns (IUIPC): The Construct, the Scale, and a Causal Model. Information Systems Research, Vol.15, Iss. 4, pp. 336 -355 Kotler P., Armstrong G. (2010). Principles of Marketing. 13th ed., Pearson: USA Mashable. (2012). How to Leverage Location Data for Better Mobile Ads. Available: http://mashable.com/2012/07/09/mobile-advertising-location-data/ (Accessed on 9/1/2013) Mobile Marketer. (2012). Location-based advertising still searching for its place. Available: http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/advertising/13009.html (Accessed on 9/1/2013) Mobile Marketer. (2012). Is Apple screwing up location-based advertising opportunitiesAvailable: http://www.mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/advertising/13899.html (Accessed on 9/1/2013) Unni R., Harmon R. (2007). Perceived Effectiveness of Push vs Pull Mobile Location Based Advertising. Journal of Interactive Advertising. Vol.7, Iss.2, pp. 28-40 Xu H., Oh L., Teo H. (2009). Perceived effectiveness of text vs. multimedia Location-Based Advertising messaging. International Journal of Mobile Communications. Vol.7., Iss. 2., pp. 154-177 Yoo, B., Donthu N., and Lee S. (2000). An Examination of Selected Marketing Mix Elements and Brand Equity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 28, pp. 195-211 How to cite Contemporary Integrated Marketing Communications, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Strategic Planning for the Hospital ED Strategic Initiatives
Question: Describe about the Strategic Planning for the Hospital ED for Strategic Initiatives. Answer: 1. The New Castle Hospital is facing number of challenges, as the ED of the organization is not structured properly. The main challenge is selection of ED information system with an emphasis of automating and informing in order to support the entire strategic initiatives of the organization (Short et al., 2013).There are number of steps that are helpful for initiating a strategic planning that would be helpful in improving the ED information System. The steps include: Developing mission and vision of the organization: It is very much important to develop mission and vision for the New castle hospital as the organization have undefined strategy. It is quite important to have proper mission of the company so that the development of IT system could be possible (Johnston Bate, 2013).The development of Information System in ED can only be possible if the mission and vision of the organization is aligned and supportive in context with the overall strategy of business. Information Technology Strategic Planning: A mutual relationship exists between the strategic plan of the organization and the information technology (Bryson, 2012). In order to develop the information system of ED it is quite important to develop several delivery models including accountable care processes which is essential for improving both the operational as well as information technology strategic planning. Business and operational analysis: One o the main key aspect of strategic planning fo improving the Information system of ED is to understand both the internal as well as external threats as well as opportunities (Ward Peppard, 2016).This is quite important for involving all the stakeholders in order to improve the plan, for creating organizational ownership, which is very much important for executing as well as sustaining the plan. The factors play an important role in ensuring an alignment between the organizationss as well as departments overall strategic plan. The steps illustrated above not only helps in improving the information system of ED but it also helps in defining various strategies in the organization that are quite important in the development of the organization (Bezdek, Dubois Prade, 2012).It also plays a great role in improving the IT infrastructure as well as architecture of the organization. 2. There are number of factors that have contributed to the current state of the ED at Newcastle hospital. The most difficult one, which is difficult to overcome, are the issues that are associated with the IT system factors of the company. The IT factors associated with the organization faces many challenges due to its manual processes and the problems associated with it is difficult to resolve or overcome. This is due to some of the factors. The IS department of the hospital does not have defined strategies, objectives as well as processes and as a result alignment with various strategies of the hospital as well as with its IT performance measurement is not considered properly (Venkatesh, Brown Bala, 2013). The organization does not have any committee associated with IT steering either at board or management levels. The organization does not have proper IT policies, service level agreements, decision criteria or user roles and responsibilities. The IT missing portfolio of the organization does not have proper critical elements such as order entry, management of the case, nursing documentation and radiology for providing benefit to the ED system (Short et al., 2013). The core information system of the organization inc ludes three versions, which constitutes several functions that need to be bypassed by the users together. Software as well as networks is arbitrarily customized without proper procedure of documentation and inadequate hardware capacity. The IT staffs as well as data center are located miles away from the hospital, which helps in isolating the IT culture of the users and patients culturally, as well as physically. The organization also faces issues because of undefined strategy as well as data integrity, which are also difficult to overcome (Johnston Bate, 2013). The hospital does not have proper formal strategic plan and corresponding tactics, which are required for the development as well as for managing the organization properly. The organization lacks proper defined strategy and therefore the problems associated with it are difficult to resolve (Ward Peppard, 2016).The organization faces also faces challenges due to data integrity. The data throughout the organization is not properly defined and they are not reliable. It is quite important to resolve all the issues so that the organization gains competitive advantage in the market. References Bezdek, J., Dubois, D., Prade, H. (Eds.). (2012).Fuzzy sets in approximate reasoning and information systems(Vol. 5). Springer Science Business Media. Bryson, J. M. (2012). Strategic Planning and.The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration, 50. Johnston, R. E., Bate, J. D. (2013).The power of strategy innovation: a new way of linking creativity and strategic planning to discover great business opportunities. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Short, M., Baker, M., Carter, J., Jones, C., Jay, S. (2013).Strategic environmental assessment and land use planning: an international evaluation. Routledge. Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., Bala, H. (2013). Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems.MIS quarterly,37(1), 21-54. Ward, J., Peppard, J. (2016).The Strategic Management of Information Systems: Building a Digital Strategy. John Wiley Sons.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Doping is defined as the infringement of the World Anti Doping Agency regulations.1 It is said that most sportsmen and women have been using steroids and even stars like former American sprinter Marion Jones pleaded guilty of using these drugs. Some stars who do not use steroids claim that those who use them break the rules in the sporting industry.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They create unfair advantage. These athletes are putting their lives and health at risk and they are encouraging youngsters to do the same in a bid to be stars. It would be wrong to think that it is good to let players use steroids. This does not portray a sensible message to the American youth who look up to these sports figures as their role models or icons. Steroids are harmful to the health as they cause bodily harm; probably not early enough but during the late stages of life, one tends to feel the effects of these drugs. An example is Arnold Schwarzenegger who had a heart operation at his later age and this was as an effect of the steroids he took when he was in the sporting industry as a professional body builder. Steroids are also said to be a major cause of a wide range of emotions; the most common being depression which has led to many users of these steroids committing suicide. Steroids when used correctly are not bad or harmful to the health. The only problem is that they are highly addictive. Thinking that one can use these drugs to enhance performance is in itself a shallow decision and lack of self-discipline. Clearly, this shows that the person does not believe in himself or herself. All forms of sports need to be regulated and it is the respective governing bodies’ responsibility to decide what should be regulated and the substances that should be used as well as those that should not be used at all in the sporting frate rnity. Some people argue that performance enhancement drugs and steroids will forever be around because of the demand there is for the drugs by the users who are already addicted. By banning these performance enhancement drugs, criminal lines are opened up and thus regulating them becomes even more difficult. Some experts argue that it is not wise to ban them as this only aggravates the situation. They say that what needs to be done is coming up with rules and regulations that show which drugs can be used in the sporting industry and those that cannot be used. This is because ambiguous and complex leagues govern their sports and create an organizational decisional making structure2. Using steroids is in itself a moral dilemma.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More We are also asked as sports lovers, by the sporting management, to be realistic in what we expect of our athletes because the human body can do just as much. Steroids are also used in suppressing some diseases and thus banning them or declaring them illegal will just cause more harm to those who use them out of good will. Some diseases like asthma are suppressed using some forms of steroid drugs. Prohibiting steroids and performance enhancing drugs really does not necessarily work; they make the activity in question more dangerous by pushing this habit underground, creating room for formation of cartels. A drug like valium is normally prescribed to athletes so that they can get some sleep. It was used awhile back as a drug to calm nerves before a shooting sport. The drive to win in sports is competitively fierce. This has increased the use of performance enhancing drugs due to the pressure that athletes feel in terms of accomplishing personal goals, winning their countries medals and making it to the first teams in a country or sports club. This usage of these drugs comes with its high prices because the health of the user is greatly affected. The human growth hormones are also affected as one may end up having uneven muscle growth. The reason most sportsmen and women take these performance enhancement drugs is that they make the muscles bigger. These drugs are also preferred by athletes due to their ability to enhance fast recovery by minimizing chances of damage on muscles. This enables athletes endure hard training without wearing out. Hair analysis is used mostly in the doping detection test in a bid to make sure that both sportsmen and women stay clean and free of any stimulating substances3. At this rate, it would be safe to conclude that taking these performance enhancement drugs is clearly not the way to go despite the minimal advantages that they posses. The disadvantages that they tag along clearly outweigh the advantages and thus using the drugs is not worth the risk. Upon being discovered that one is using these performance enhancing drugs in the professional sportin g industry, athletes risk being suspended by the authorized governing body. They also stand a chance of being prosecuted in a court of law and losing credit to what they had achieved, whether they achieved on a clean record or not.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bibliography Conrad, Mark. The business of sports: A primer for journalists. New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006. Wilson, Wayne, and Derse Edward (eds). Doping in elite sport: The politics of drugs in the Olympic movement. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Inc., 2001. Verner, Moller. The ethics of doping and anti-doping: redeeming the soul of sport? York, NY: Routledge Conrad Publishers, 2010. Footnotes 1 Moller Verner. The ethics of doping and anti-doping: redeeming the soul of sport? (York, NY: Routledge Publishers, 2010), 12. 2 Mark Conrad. The business of sports: A primer for journa lists. (New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006), 12 3 Wayne Wilson, Derse Edward (eds). Doping in elite sport: The politics of drugs in the Olympic movement. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Inc, 2001), 19 This essay on Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports was written and submitted by user Rylee Lopez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Criminal Theories essays
Criminal Theories essays Opportunity Theory: The CEOs of Enron saw the opportunity to easily scam millions of dollars without hurting anyone at the time. Living in a society that is capitalistic and driven by money and greed they saw the opportunity and decided to take it. This was going against the normal way (the legal) of running a business. This theory is explained extremely well by Merton on pages 122-123 in the bottom and top paragraphs. Merton states that The equilibrium between culturally designated means and ends becomes highly unstable with the progressive emphasis on attaining the prestige-laden ends by any means whatsoever. This is precisely what happened in the Enron debacle. I believe that this theory also can be applied to anyone who sells drugs on any level. The deviant I believe is motivated by his culture, that culture is one based on money and good times. The individual involved, I believe, will get as involved as his superior or supplier will allow them to. For example; a kid who normally sells one ounce of marijuana at a time because he/she can not afford anymore will gladly accept a quarter-pound if his dealer was willing to front it to him/her. However, for this situation to occur the individual must be living in a culture where he/she is confident that they can move the entire quarter-pound quick enough. This environment does exist in several different areas in our cities and towns. This type of Opportunity theory is explained in article 12 Homeboy, Dope Fiends, Legits, and New Jacks by Hagedorn. The article explains the different levels of participation and the amount of money being made by each level. Conflict Theory- The theory that it is society who may be guilty for a crime instead of the deviant himself. The societal stresses and pressures may force one into...
Friday, November 22, 2019
SAT Historical Percentiles for 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011
SAT Historical Percentiles for 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you took the SAT from 2011-2015, you may be wondering what your percentile score is on the SAT. Is a 1500 on the SAT in 2011 the same percentile score as a 1500 in 2015? Do percentile scores change over time? In this article, I will explain SAT percentile scores, how they change, and I'll provide the percentile scores for SAT combined scores and section scores for 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011. Note: Go to this article instead if you're looking for historical percentiles for the new SAT (tests taken March 2016 and later). What Are Percentile Scores? Percentile scores reveal how well you did in relation to other people. If you scored in the 99th percentile, then you did better than 99% of the people who took the test. If you scored in the 50th percentile, then you scored higher than 50% of the people who took the test. The College Board determines its percentile scores annually from the scores of college-bound high school seniors who took the SAT. The higher your percentile score, the better you did relative to other high school seniors. Do Percentile Scores Change? Generally, percentile scores for equivalent SAT scores stay the same from year to year. For example, a combined SAT score of 2180 was the 98th percentile in2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015. However, percentile scores for the same combined and section scores can change very slightly. A combined score of 1990 was the 92nd percentile for 2014, but it was the 93rd percentile in 2011-2013 and 2015. Similarly, a score of 630 on Critical Reading was the 86th percentile in 2011, 2013, 2014, and 2015, but it was the 87th percentile in 2012. The SAT does try to utilize its scoring system so that equivalent SAT scores are indicative of the same percentile scores and skill level, regardless of when the test was taken. The purpose of the SAT is to provide a valid way to compare students. A score of 1600 from March 2015 is supposed to be equivalent to a 1600 from April 2015 or April 2007. How Should You Use This Data and Why Is It Important? Your percentile score is the most straightforward way to determine if you got a good or badSAT score. If you scored higher than the majority of test-takers, then you did well. However, when you apply to a specific college, you're being compared to the other students who apply to that school. Most colleges publicize their 25th and 75th percentile SAT scores. If you want to be competitive for admission at a certain college, then your target score should be aroundthe school's 75th percentile score. Also, percentile scores help put your scores in context. There may not seem to be much difference between a 680 on the Critical Reading section and a 600 on Math, but the Critical Reading score is the 94th percentile while the Math score is the 75th (according to 2015 SAT percentiles). Raising each section score by 100 points would raise the Critical Reading percentile ranking by 5 points but the Math by 18. If you're considering retaking the SAT, your percentile scores can help you determine how you should prioritize your time. Similarly, a small composite score increase can have a huge impact on your percentile score if you received a middle score. For example, in 2015, a 1500 was the 52nd percentile but a 1750 was the 78th. Raising your score 250 points can raise your score from average to among the top 1/4 of test-takers. Finally, seeing the percentile scores for multiple years shows how little variance there is between percentile scores for the same SAT composite or section score in different years. If you're worried about how an older SAT score stacks up with more recent scores, take a look at these charts to get an idea of how it compares. Composite Score Percentiles, 2015 - 2011 Score 2015 Percentile 2014 Percentile 2013 Percentile 2012 Percentile 2011 Percentile 2400 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2390 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2380 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2370 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2360 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2350 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2340 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2330 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2320 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2310 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 2300 99 99 99+ 99 99+ 2290 99 99 99 99 99+ 2280 99 99 99 99 99 2270 99 99 99 99 99 2260 99 99 99 99 99 2250 99 99 99 99 99 2240 99 99 99 99 99 2230 99 99 99 99 99 2220 99 99 99 99 99 2210 98 98 98 99 99 2200 98 98 98 98 98 2190 98 98 98 98 98 2180 98 98 98 98 98 2170 98 98 98 98 98 2160 98 98 98 98 98 2150 97 97 97 97 98 2140 97 97 97 97 97 2130 97 97 97 97 97 2120 97 97 97 97 97 2110 97 96 97 97 97 2100 96 96 96 96 96 2090 96 96 96 96 96 2080 96 96 96 96 96 2070 95 95 95 96 96 2060 95 95 95 95 95 2050 95 95 95 95 95 2040 94 94 94 95 95 2030 94 94 94 94 94 2020 94 94 94 94 94 2010 93 93 93 93 93 2000 93 93 93 93 93 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Percentile 2012 Percentile 2011 Percentile 800 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 99+ 790 99 99 99 99 99 780 99 99 99 99 99 770 99 99 99 99 99 760 99 99 99 99 99 750 98 98 98 98 98 740 98 98 98 98 98 730 98 97 98 98 97 720 97 97 97 97 97 710 96 96 96 96 96 700 96 96 96 96 96 690 95 95 95 95 95 680 94 94 94 94 94 670 93 93 93 93 93 660 92 92 92 92 92 650 91 90 90 90 90 640 89 89 89 89 89 630 88 88 88 88 88 620 86 86 86 86 86 610 84 84 84 84 84 600 82 82 82 82 82 590 80 80 80 80 80 580 78 78 78 78 78 570 76 76 76 75 75 560 74 73 73 73 72 550 71 70 70 70 70 540 68 68 68 67 67 530 65 65 65 64 64 520 62 62 61 61 61 510 59 58 58 58 58 500 56 55 55 55 54 490 53 52 51 52 51 480 49 48 48 48 47 470 46 45 45 44 44 460 42 41 41 41 40 450 39 38 37 38 37 440 35 34 34 34 34 430 32 31 30 31 30 420 29 28 27 27 27 410 25 25 24 24 24 400 22 21 21 21 21 390 19 19 18 18 18 380 17 16 16 16 15 370 14 14 13 13 13 360 12 12 11 11 11 350 10 10 9 9 9 340 8 8 8 8 7 330 7 7 6 6 6 320 6 5 5 5 5 310 5 4 4 4 4 300 4 4 3 3 3 290 3 3 3 3 3 280 3 2 2 2 2 270 2 2 2 2 2 260 2 2 2 1 1 250 2 1 1 1 1 240 1 1 1 1 1 230 1 1 1 1 1 220 1 1 1 1 1 210 1 1 1 1 1- 200 What's Next? 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Wednesday, November 20, 2019
AlNabulsi sweet company in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
AlNabulsi sweet company in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example AlNabulsi sweet company in Saudi Arabia AlNabulsi sweet company is that deals in production, marketing and distribution of sweets and other confectioneries with sweet production reaching up to 250 varieties of sweet products. (Sinha 2006, p.30). On that note, AlNabulsi sweet company generates up to $ 690 in annual sales of its sweet products. The corporate mission of the sweet company, which is nearly 120 years old, is to be the best sweet company in the world by satisfying its clients every day. Several business strategies have been adopted by AlNabulsi sweet company in its approach to efficient maximum production and increased profits. There are strategic choices that have been utilized in the past; others are used presently while there are plans targeted for the future. For example, there is inter-sourcing or outsourcing where the AlNabulsi sweet company determines the tasks to conduct inside and outside the organization. Another one is designing commodity strategy in which the Company establishes a well explained report of its purchases (Ahlstrom & Bruton 2009, p.375). On that note the company has several objectives that can help it achieve the above business strategies in the next 5 years. These objectives are attainable because of the several resources the company has such enough, human labor, machinery like sweet processing machines, skilled personnel and large number premises among others. These include: (a) Expansion Regionally Currently, AlNabulsi sweet company is f ound in more than 80 countries with supplies to more than about 100 million users. It plans to spread to more than 150 countries in the next five years. Similarly, the company targets nations with vibrant economy in the Middle East and other Arabian nations in Africa for its expansion such as Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia and Indonesia among others. Regional expansion in these countries boosts spending of consumers and thus increases the chances of the company in meeting its strategies (Sinha 2006, p.30).
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Western civilization.The Atlantic slave trade,protestant revival and Essay
Western civilization.The Atlantic slave trade,protestant revival and the two revolutions - Essay Example Atlantic Slave Trade was a direct consequence of the practice of slavery that existed in Medieval Europe and the colonial world. With the discovery of the Americas, slavery and slave trade became more pervasive since the European colonists needed cheap labor. Atlantic Slave Trade was a trade phenomenon that started during the 16th century. The Portuguese were the pioneers of this trade system. Soon, several European powers followed the techniques and trade routes of the Portuguese. Slave trade began to flourish rapidly as the European powers were rivaling each other to establish vast overseas colonial empires. Discussion As Christopher Columbus had discovered the New World, Europeans began to migrate towards the West in the search of fortune. They gathered in the North and South Americas and rapidly annihilated the native peoples. In this way, communities like Sioux Indians, Incas, Aztecs, Red Indians, etc. were cornered. Now, the European settlers needed to clear the forests, create towns and cities, and exploit the natural resources of the new found continents. Hence they needed cheap labor. (McKay et al, 2011) Europeans were colonizing in Africa too and had defeated the Arabs on a number of occasions. Hence, they carried on their imperial expansion across Africa and conquered several countries. Here, they captured and/or kidnapped large numbers of Africans and enslaved them. These slaves were transported as merchandise units to the New World so that they could be used as cheap labor for plantations, agriculture, clearing the forests and several jobs like that. Hence, it can be deduced that the reasons for both the beginning and success of Atlantic Slave Trade were the same: The theory of demand and supply. The innocent Africans were carried away from the present day countries like Sierra Leon, Senegal, Nigeria, etc. and used as bonded labors throughout their lives. Along with this, they were subjected to horrible torture and life conditions by their masters, who mostly neglected even their minimum well being. Freed slaves like Olaudah Equiano later came out with the accounts of these atrocities. Direct and indirect experiences about the tortures meted out to the African slaves started to build opinion against slave trade among the Europeans and White Americans themselves. Ultimately, humanitarian people in Europe and America abolished slavery and slave trade in a step by step manner by the end of 19th century. (McKay et al, 2011) Conclusion Atlantic Slave Trade was one of the most heinous crimes of world history. According to McKay et al (2011), â€Å"The Atlantic slave trade grew enormously as colonial plantations used slaves to produce commodities for trade.†Yet, it should be kept in mind that the Europeans and colonists themselves came forward to abolish it. First, the British Empire declared slavery illegal and then the American Civil War delivered the death blow to this practice. Thus, â€Å"public outcry at slaveryâ€⠄¢s horrors†(McKay et al, 2011) was the main reason behind the decline of Atlantic Slave Trade. Question 2 Pick one group in the â€Å"Protestant Revival†and talk about the aims, ideas, goals, and people behind it in 300-500 words. Answer Introduction Protestantism had originated in Medieval Europe. Thinkers and reformers like Martin Luther began the Protestant Movement, which primarily aimed to establish the right of the common people to learn and understand religion with more openness, freedom, and humane values. The European immigrants to America brought these ideas from Europe and looked for religious emancipation in the New World too. During the middle of 18th century, the First Great Awakening of Protestant Revival took place that was going to change
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Marketing Management Essay Example for Free
Marketing Management Essay Executive Summary What if I told you that you can get stylish clothing and accessories and the only catch was that you have to clean out your closet? If you said yes, then Jenny’s Closet Party is the dynamic answer for you. Jenny’s Closet Party LLC is designed with you in mind, by creating the ultimate â€Å"Girls Night Out†experience, combining fashion, food, and fun while mingling amongst friends. Uniquely swapping from one fashionista’s closet to another and the remaining items are donated to a local charity. Sounds the perfect win-win scenario right? Jenny’s Closet Party, â€Å"A great excuse to clean out your closet†. First Step: Upon receipt of an invitation or retrieval of flyer, specific details will be highlighted as to a theme, what items are being requested, deadline for dropping of your items and also what you should expect the day of the event. Go through your closet and find articles of clothing or accessories that you would like to swap. The items must be in style, of good quality and condition. Some of the categories (depending on theme) may include: clothing, shoes, earrings, scarfs, jackets etc. Second Step: Bring the items to the Donation Center at the Porter County Expo Center two weeks prior to events (Fridays) from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. At this time you will be given a voucher at this time in which you will redeemed for tokens to shop with the day of the event. Third Step: The day of the event doors will open an hour and thirty minutes prior to shopping. At this time while mingling, you can enjoy complimentary wine and horderves that will be accompanied with light music to enhance your fun filled evening. Also, vouches can be redeemed for tokens during this time. Fourth Step: Prior to the scheduled shopping time, guest will be reminded of how all this works, rehashing the guidelines that were laid out on the initial invitation/flyer. Guests are encouraged to keep what they have donated anonymous while picking. However, displaying and sharing their great finds amongst everyone creates sure excitement. Once the shopping time has been launched, participants will be able to go in rounds and selected two items at a time (to keep it fair) to purchase with tokens. Final Step: When the event is over and guests have gone home, the remaining items will be rounded up donated to a local women’s shelter. Sales Forecast During the first two years of business, Jenny’s Closet Party anticipates generating $300,000 from endorsements and corporate sponsorships. Each member of this company is responsible for the minimum of two sponsorships ($500) in order to reach our strategic goals. We expect to generate the most sales during the summer months. Environmental Analysis Jenny’s Closet Party LLC is a small company whose headquarters is located at 2143 Freedom Street Portage, Indiana; however, events will be hosted at the Porter County Expo Center located at 217 E. Division Road Valparaiso, Indiana. The company consists of eight employees; 5 full-time and 3 part-time employees. Jennifer Smith (CEO) will provide the executive leadership and oversee operations of every entity of the company. She will also be instrumental in developing strategies, vision and key performance indicators, to ensure goals are being met. She will be the face of the organization and will concentrate with building rapport and relationship with businesses. Taquanna White (Business Manager) will work closely with the CEO, manage the day-to-day business operations. Serve as our technical expert with keen knowledge in finance and computers. Serves as back up in absence of the CEO a, ensures tasks are being carried out, mentors and manage staff. Bonita Sims is the (Bookkeeper). Her responsibilities include keeping track of financial transactions, audits, payroll, procurement and inventory. Georgia Manuel (Head of Marketing) is our fashion expert. She will be in the community, charge of sales and marketing and maintaining our Social Media/Blogging keep the company abreast of the latest trends and fashion news. Dionne Payne (Administrative Worker/Hostess) serves as supportive staff doing: project coordination, prepare reports, meeting arrangements, manage calendars, answer phones calls and serve as a hostess at the events. Our three part-time employees will assist with preparations leading up to the event as well as working on the day of the event. Competitive Forces: Jenny’s Closet Party has been facing challenges over the last few years with consumers shopping in the thrift and resale arenas. The once known dismal second-hands stores offering outdated clothing have become the ultimate treasure hunt for unique finds at a great price. Much of the recent growth can be attributed to young shoppers, many of whom are passing on trips to the mall in favor of thrift stores (Tully, 2012). Resale stores offer a variety of unique finds at a fraction of the cost of retail stores and propose great risk to new startup companies like Jenny’s Closet Party. The Goodwill industry is a well-known non-profit organization that has been around for over 100 years. There huge targeted audience loves bargain shopping who are drawn by shopping incentives and those by who donate to their cause of giving back to the community. â€Å"We provide employment, job training and other community-based programs for people looking to advance their careers, build their skills and further their education†(Goodwill Industry International, 2014). Economic Forces: With a fluctuated economy and staggering unemployment rates many consumers have become more frugal with how they spend their money. Although the retail industry has experienced growth, the resale industry is blossoming and is making great head way to become the new trend for preferred shopping. While many businesses close their doors every day, resale remains healthy and continues to be one of the fastest growing segments of retail (NARTS, 2014). Consumers are seeking cleaver ways to save money and the affordability of shopping at malls with high markup priced garb is not an option. With millions of people looking for ways to save money in tough economic times, a growing number of consumers have turned to resale shops to find their clothes, furniture and household goods (Tully, 2012). The Northwest Indiana Region’s Gross Revenue Product (GRP) over the past 3 years (2009-2011) has gradually increased by 3%. Porter County’s population is 166,557 (2008-2012) with the median household income was $62,457 compared to the states average of $48,374, of this population 50.95% are women (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). Over the course of the year, household purchases rose by 0.5 (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2014). This shows that women in the Northwest Indiana Region have buying power which has influentially contributed to the region’s economic growth. Technology Forces: Technology is rapidly evolving and is unprecedented in the business industry. Technology is vital and plays a major role in the success or demise of a company; ultimately impacting processes, pricing, promotions and placement of products and services. Technology force is used just about in every capacity of a business operation, from finances, book keeping and cash registers down to marketing. Social Media mediums such as Pinterest, YouTube and Facebook are some of the most popular ways in which technology has to connect with consumers. Retailers with Wi-Fi allows customers to use their Smart Phones to research products, compare prices, and download coupons with apps to make purchases. Due to the rapidly growing competition of on-line shopping, in-store retailers and swapping businesses must set themselves apart by meeting the customers’ needs and provide them with the ultimate one-on-one experience and technology can effectively help with this. Legal and Regulatory Forces: Jenny’s Closet Party is a limited liability company. A legal limited liability company is a hybrid-type of legal structure that provides the limited liability features of a corporation and the tax efficiencies and operational flexibility of a partnership (small business association 2014). Although, LLC’s have similar characteristics as corporation and partnership, the government does not hold them accountable to the same standards, structure and tax laws. To start an LLC one should research and decide what type of business they would like to organize. Specific documents to establish a business should be filed with the Secretary of State to start a business (procedures may vary from state to state). Information submitted should include: Business name, registering, creating agreements and articles of incorporation. Once the company has been incorporated you will required to secure licensures, permits, EIN number, tax status and other required paperwork. Once all the necessary paperwork is complete and the business is established, the next steps should include obtaining insurance and doing the necessary footwork to get the business up and running such as networking, creating the brands image, and securing the necessary finances. Political Forces: The political forces that have a direct effect on Jenny’s Closet LLC and other business are the stability or instability of the government, economic/trade policies, tax rates and different events that happen in our communities and throughout the nation. These factors can affect how consumer spending. Consumers are more incline to shop at stores like Jenny’s Closet and resale outlet stores. The resale, consignment and thrift store industries has boomed in the aftermath of recession in the 1990’s. For this included an increased need for households to sell unused items for cash and reduced quantities of disposable income that made it necessary for people to shop at cheaper outlets (NARTS, 2014). Social Cultural Forces: As society and cultures change, so should your business. In order to have a successful business, one must recognizes and adjust (according to the current times) in order to succeed. Some socio-economical dynamics that businesses must adapt to as the world evolves: demographics, marketing/advertisement, trends (staying on top of consumer preferences) and external factors that may require adjustments within the company.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
William Butler Yeats The Cap and Bells Essays -- Poetry William Butle
William Butler Yeats' The Cap and Bells William Butler Yeats’s ballad â€Å"The Cap and Bells†depicts the behavior of love through an allegorical account of actions between a jester and a queen. Through the use of many symbolic references, the dramatic characters accurately reflect a lover’s conduct. Referring to jester-like men throughout many of his works (â€Å"A Coat†, â€Å"The Fool by the Roadside†, â€Å"Two Songs of a Fool†, â€Å"The Hour Glass†, etc.), Yeats continually portrays the actions of humans as foolish many a times. Coming to him in a dream, â€Å"The Cap and Bells†likely acquired its origin from the obsessive infatuation Yeats had with Maud Gonne. Being an acclaimed actress, Yeats most likely perceived Gonne exceeding him in status; her the queen and him the fool. At this time (1894) Yeats was also developing Irish dramas, and therefore his mind ignited dramatic thought even within his dreams. Like many of his poems, â€Å"The Cap and Bell s†develops a lyrical tone full of emotion and images. Through this song-like piece, the reader strongly feels both the growing despondency of the jester and the eventual affection in the queen. Through his strong use of symbolism and imagery, Yeats suggests that love makes a fool of every man. From forfeiting the soul, the heart, and finally physical life, Yeats emphasizes mans’ willingness to sacrifice all the elements of his existence to feel the complete and irresistible passions of love. Throughout â€Å"The Cap and Bells†Yeats constantly draws on symbolism to express various elements of love. With the whole poem existing as a subtle allegory, the author encourages a reader to interpret and search for meaning. As Yeats opens with â€Å"The jester walked into the garden†he immediatel... ...elf) and the heart (provider of life). Instead she fell in love when given the physical cap and bells. Though such ballad does not need a large amount of explanation to understand the storyline, the close analysis develops the underlying ideas of human behavior while in love. Yeats all together implies that love has the ability to blind a man from ration. Although a wise old owl may view his actions irrational, the lover only sees the obsessive compulsions love has on him. Yeats thus teaches a reader that love is the strongest emotion of all, for man will do anything to feel reciprocated love. The soul, the heart, and life are the toys of love, and thus throughout â€Å"The Cap and Bells†Yeats depicts the compliance of man to sacrifice his complete being for the sake of the zeal of love. Born a fool, live a fool, and die a fool ... all because we loved another.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Gatsby: Nature of Romantic Love Essay
The Great Gatsby is a story about a man, Gatsby, who is stuck in alternate reality. He is stuck in a past life and wants to remain in it forever. The Great Gatsby reflects a story about the great American dream and, as some may view, a beautiful love story. The Great Gatsby is not a story about perfect love. In fact, it actually mocks the notion that love having no flaws. Fitzgerald writes about the corruption of love and illustrates the obstacles and dangers of corrupted love. The â€Å"love†presented in The Great Gatsby is unethical. Fitzgerald depicts the nature of love in the novel to revolve around obsession, self-destruction, and greed. The Great Gatsby lacks true love and affection to make it a perfect love story. Gatsby is a character with an unrealistic conscience. He is blinded by an idea of love that only he can see. The love he sees is not true love, but in fact an obsession with lust. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist who studies human behavior states in â€Å"The Brain In Love†, â€Å"Romantic love is an addiction†¦a perfectly horrible addiction when it’s going poorly. And indeed it has all the characteristics of an addiction. You focus on the person, you obsessively think about them, you crave them.†This quote taken from a TED Talk portrays Gatsby’s nature of love perfectly. He is addicted to the idea of Daisy. The addiction is horrible because all he does is focus on her and only her. Even though he has not spoken to her in years after the war, he still craves her. It is very clear that Fitzgerald wanted the audience to notice Gatsby’s frightening obsession with Daisy. He follows her every move. He becomes rich for her and buys a mansion for he and holds countless outrageous parties, all because of her. Gatsby says, â€Å"Look at this. Here is a lot of clippings-about you†(Fitzgerald 90). Gatsby documents Daisy’s life. He creates a scrapbook with countless pages regarding Daisy’s life. He collects every possible thing that relates to Daisy. He alters his life to make Daisy love him. â€Å"Infatuation then develops in a specific psychobiological pattern†¦beginning with intrusive thinking†(The Nature of Romantic Love). This applies directly to Gatsby’s behavior. He consumes his time thinking about Daisy and planning his life accordingly to Daisy’s likes, dislikes, and interests. And after being rejected, the obsession worsens. Daisy has countless flaws including being indecisive, cowardly, and materialistic. She is not the type of person someone would typically fall in love with. But once again, the element of Gatsby’s obsession comes into play. His obsession causes blindness and he is unable to see Daisy’s flaws. In Helen Fisher’s â€Å"The Nature of Romantic Love she states, â€Å"But the limerent casts these flaws aside and fixates on those characteristics that he or she finds unique and charming†(The Nature of Romantic Love). Gatsby’s fixation on Daisy obliges him to only see the good in Daisy that was barely even there anymore. She doesn’t have the best qualities. She has the power to leave Tom, yet she doesn’t. Why? Because she has everything she needs by staying with him. He supplies her with money, luxuries, and lives a comfortable life with him. Daisy puts her wants before the feelings and regards of others. Gatsby is sightless when it comes to pointing out Daisy’s negative qualities. The love presented in The Great Gatsby is self-destructive. It breaks Gatsby and forces him to partake in illegal activities to impress his significant other. The terrible obsession Gatsby has for Daisy causes him to not see the real Daisy. He is in love with the Daisy from the past. This essentially ruins him. He is not in love with the cowardly, shallow Daisy, but the sweet, comforting one from the past. Gatsby’s reality distorts after Daisy leaves him. Helen Fisher states in her TED talk, â€Å"You distort reality. Your willingness to take enormous risks to win this person.†Gatsby does just this. He corrupts and endangers his life because of his willingness to do anything for Daisy. He misrepresents his reality and does not see any harm in part icipating in illegal things. Gatsby takes risks for Daisy. In Helen Fishers TED talk she explains that this is a factor of love. Fitzgerald illustrates this factor in his novel by developing Jay Gatsby’s character into someone who will take massive risks. He is willing to jeopardize his own life to impress Daisy. Tom Buchanan says, â€Å"That’s one of his little stunts. I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him, and I wasn’t far wrong†(Fitzgerald 134). In this statement, Tom is reflecting his opinions on Gatsby, believing that Gatsby contributes to unjust acts. Tom was correct. Gatsby does partake in illegal activities and slowly destroys his reputation by doing so. People know of Gatsby’s misdemeanors. This is just another example of how unethical the love that exists in the novel really is. The love depicted in The Great Gatsby revolves around greed. The environment Daisy was raised in caused her to only view a materialistic life. Helen Fisher writes, â€Å"Culture, for example, plays an essential role in one’s choice of partner and the timing and process of courting.†Daisy grows up in a very luxurious environment, where money is a factor that contributes to a person’s personality. Why does Daisy suddenly fall back in â€Å" love†with Gatsby when he finally acquires a lot of money? Daisy’s idea of love is blinded with greed. For many years, she forgets about Gatsby when he goes to war and focuses and devotes her life to Tom Buchanan. Tom, a man of wealth, gives Daisy all she need, except love. Tom has multiple affairs with other mistresses, yet this does not bother Daisy. She is content living her life with Tom until Gatsby reveals himself. She falls back in love with Gatsby due to the amount of money he has. Only then does she decide to pursue a relationship with him. Daisy acts like a coward in the novel. Greed is what she has fallen in love with, not Gatsby nor Tom. Dais y’s greed gets in the way of the love that could have been between Gatsby and herself. Daisy’s importance in life orbits around material comforts. She says, â€Å"They’re such beautiful shirts it makes me sad because I have never seen such beautiful shirts†(Fitzgerald 89). The stunning silk shirts represent all of the material luxuries Daisy obsesses over. She has fallen in love with the idea of Gatsby, but not him. Both Daisy and Gatsby confuse greed with love. They long for money and material possessions and corrupt love to fulfill their American Dreams. He believes money will bring him anything, even Daisy’s love. Fitzgerald writes in his novel, â€Å"Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay. He had waited five years and bought a mansion where he dispensed starlight to casual moths  so that he could ‘come over’ some afternoon to a stranger’s garden†(78). Gatsby spends hundreds of thousands buying a mansion out of greed. He is ravenous for Daisy’s attention. Daisy represents a life filled with luxuries and money and essentially, the Am erican Dream. Gatsby was never able to let that idea go so he devotes the majority of his time to Daisy. Fitzgerald’s novel represents a life full of corruption and mimics the idea of love. It intertwines the ideas of obsession, destruction, and greed among the characters. Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship focuses on the materialism of the era. Instead of truly falling in love with one another, they fell in love with the idea of each other. Gatsby fell in love with the Daisy that no longer existed and Daisy fell in love with what Gatsby represented; greed, money, corruption, and luxuries. The love presented in The Great Gatsby was not love, but an unhealthy infatuation of obsession and greed. Fitzgerald describes the nature of love to be unscrupulous. The characters were not in love, but rather in love with a perfect idea of one another that did not exist.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Kitchen Best Analysis Essay
Introduction Kitchen Best Appliance Company must immediately address the ethical, cultural, legal and poor business practices in order for the company to remain in business. If the company continues to turn a blind eye to such behaviors as bribes, nepotism, illegal behavior and reckless endangerment to customer the company will only continue to find itself in a position that leaves it vulnerable to law suits, criminal charges, fines and incarceration of personnel. The case study provides a clear picture of what can happen to company that does not communicate, enforces and support policies and procedures established to have a competitive, compliant, safe and ethical workplace. Analysis The major social, ethical and legal challenges that Kitchen Best and other small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face doing cross border business will be determined below. Social challenges are most easily identified in cultural differences among regions. For instance language barriers can create social challenges as well as differences in cultural beliefs and behaviors. Businesses must be prepared to face language differences by having staff available that can speak and write in languages other than their native tongue. Also the companies must be prepared to investigate and study the cultural differences for the countries that they wish to conduct business with. This is not only to determine if the designated area is a good place to conduct business, but also to acquire the necessary knowledge needed to successfully conduct business. Ethical challenges are even more difficult for companies when dealing with two different sets of ethical standards, which usually are influenced by cultural standards. It is fully possible that in business dealings that a company has opposing ethical standards to operate within the two countries. In some cultures such activities as bribes, kickbacks, and nepotism are encouraged whereas other countries frown upon such practices. This is where research plays an important role for companies interested in expanding their business globally. Legal challenges just like ethical and social challenges have a major impact of SMEs who conduct cross border business. There are many forms of governments as well as numerous forms of legal systems that vary among countries. While diversity is accepted, diversity can make business interaction difficult as well as legally impossible. An example of legal challenges can be seen in tax regulation, employee pay regulations, employee working condition regulations, safety regulations and environmental impact regulations. If a SME is found in violation of a particular law or regulation it could face extreme penalties as well as sanctions from agencies as the World Trade Organization. Kitchen Best has long since participated in offering entertainment and kickbacks to potential clients and business partners, which upper management has turned a blind eye to. Such actions have led Kitchen Best to be susceptible to legal risks. China, Macao and Hong Kong have active laws against such actions which are punishable by imprisonment and fines. Since Kitchen Best employees participated in such actions, with the knowledge of upper management, in both jurisdictions the company is liable along with the employees. The management and overall governance system of Kitchen Best is below par. While the list of shortcomings is long the company can improve the situation by changing the method in which it operates and creating effective policies. One of the biggest shortcomings of management is the practice of turning a blind eye to corruption and inappropriate business practices. By turning a blind eye to such behaviors and activities management is essentially condoning the employee’s actions. This is obviously a shortcoming that has led Kitchen Best management to knowingly participate in unethical behavior such as bribes and kickbacks. Along with the practice of turning a blind eye to the previous mentioned behaviors and activities management also exhibited a shortcoming by not leading by example. In addition management did not create, maintain and enforce policies and procedures for employees to follow. This could have prevented the shortcoming of non-governance of competitive practices a nd safety regulations as in the case of Haus de Metro. Kitchen Best must utilize mechanisms such as effective compliance programs, risk assessments, accessible access of for employees to code of conduct and compliance policies and procedures. As well as the mechanisms mentioned above Kitchen Best must also use continual training for all staff including management on policies, procedures and current legislation. Use of weekly meetings and communication tools such as video conferencing will enable the company to improve communication between all facets of the company. Technology overall will enhance the job performance of employees, but can also be used to create checks and balances within the company. For instance a system of web based approval could be used for the payment of invoices that would allow the company to approve of deny any invoices including those for entertainment. With the advancement of technology companies have the ability to be â€Å"big brother†while also enhancing employee performance. Henry Chan can learn a lot from the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (U.S. FCPA) or the U.K. Bribery Act. Chan can see the penalties that have been established for corrupted behavior as well as ways to prevent such actions. Since both are from Western democracies Chan can compare to corruption acts from China. This will enable Chan to view a variety of guidelines that will assist in creating his own policies and procedures for Kitchen Best. Another advantage to Chan is that he will be better prepared for international business and the cultures of in which they exists. The problems at Kitchen Best are related to Horatio Sze and Ma Luk. Through the years the company has made missteps in regards to managing staff. Without checks and balances or enforcements of policies staff had free reign with no consequences. Without direct supervision or accountability the management staff allowed the behavior to occur. The company allowed the inappropriate behavior of Sze and Luk by turning a blind eye to their actions. If the company had taken direct action such as disciplinary actions or even termination of either employee when their indiscretions became apparent the problems would have been prevented. Top managers are responsible when corruption is afoot, especially when top management has knowledge of the corruption. It is the responsibility of top managers to be aware of what is happening within their business. There is also a necessity for top managers to actively participate in business operations and to investigate any alleged corruptions within the company. In the case of Kitchen Best top management ignored allegations of corruptions. Another responsibility of top management is to take and creative preventative measures against corruption. It is imperative that SMEs practice ethical management locally and internationally. In order for global business to expand along with the actual companies ethical management must be enforced. Ethical management not only assists in creating a fair and competitive business atmosphere, but it also enables progressive business relations with countries. Henry Chan can enhance his role in this regard by participating and enforcing ethical business practices. He can also benefit from exposure to companies similar to Honghua who have transitioned from an unethical management to an ethical management system. When faced with local expectations of â€Å"payoffs†or â€Å"referral money†staff should be advised to approach top management. Staff should consult policies and procedures before taking any action, but in this case the seriousness of the situation requires management’s attention. Once management is notified of the situation the employee should then work with management to determine the best course of actions. It must also be stated that if the company has researched the business atmosphere the expectations of â€Å"payoffs†or â€Å"referral money†should not come as a surprise. Therefore the company can be prepared when the situation arises and will not have to make a snap decision. Guidance can be sought through numerous channels that include literature, educational classes, expert knowledge, legislation and other professionals. All of the resources could provide guide or research on business management and international business. The internet could also be utilized for information regarding business policies, procedures and desired business behaviors locally and internationally. The World Trade Organization is also a good resources as well as looking at such education facilities as Harvard School of Business. Both previously mentioned offer limitless information via their websites. There are specific steps and methods that Henry Chan can use to help build Kitchen Best’s corporate culture for the long term benefit of the company. As mentioned before the creation, maintaining and implementation of policies and procedures that include compliance program. When creating and updating the policies and procedures of the company Henry Chan should consult legal counsel as well as other professionals who can provide expert knowledge. Henry Chan himself needs to improve his management skills as well as his ability to interact within different cultures. Another step to improve corporate culture is to remove employees that previously participated in unethical behavior. It is imperative that management lead by example and eliminate those who do not wish to contribute to a positive corporate culture. By creating a culture of compliance the company can successfully perform in a positive manner. This can also be accomplished by providing training to employees, continuing to guide employees in the proper way in business processes, having incentives for employees to reward positive acts and disciplinary measures for non-compliance to policies and procedures. Each of the steps mentioned above will resolve the issues of bribery, kickbacks, safety violations and uncompetitive contracting awarding. Not only will the steps above stop the current issues of Kitchen Best, but also establish preventative measures against such behaviors. Conclusion Henry Chan and Kitchen Best can resolve their current business issues and improve the business operations of the company. While the Chan family’s intentions were to create and maintain a company their lackluster attitude towards corruption has made the company liable. With the suggestions provided in this analysis Kitchen Best’s business operations can improve and eliminate the corruption within the company. The scope of improvements necessary for Kitchen Best is vast, which will take a significant amount of time that will in the end prove worth wild. References DRS: Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H. & Sullivan, D. P. International business. (14th ed.) U. S. Dept. of Justice (2012, November). A resource guide to the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. http://www.justice.gov/criminal/fraud/fcpa/guide.pdf Goo, S. & Loo, G. (2011). Kitchen Best: Ethics when doing cross-boundary business in Southern China (Product No. HKU948-PDF-ENG). Retrieved from http://hbsp.harvard.edu
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Scholarship Opportunities for Certified College Cheerleading Squads
Scholarship Opportunities for Certified College Cheerleading Squads Cheerleading Scholarship: What Is It and How to Get One? Cheerleading is not just fun, jumping all around, and making romances with the coolest guys in a college. It is also a kind of athletics, approved like serious sport in many high schools and universities. Some institutions offer advanced training programs to rise new talents and attract experienced cheerleaders to their teams. As a rule, these programs provide scholarships and an opportunity to get to the international championships. If you are willing to apply for such program and get additional money to pay for your education, prepare to work hard. Mind that a lot of other aspiring girls are looking forward to win a desirable scholarship and you will have to compete them. So, if you are ambitious enough to fight for your cheerleading scholarship, let’s see how you can achieve it. Getting a cheerleading scholarship: some key tips for you Show yourself in the best possible way Haven’t you start your training yet? Then do it right now! In addition to specialized cheerleading training, it would also be good for you to attend some gymnastic or dance classes or both of them. The more talented and physically prepared you are, the more people will appreciate you. As a result, there will be more chances to get a scholarship. Train your body and your brain Athletic abilities are not enough to get a cheerleading scholarship. First of all, you are applying to a college program, so the committee will pay attention to your marks, too.  Good academic results contribute greatly to the full rate of your chances. Be social Be an active participant in various communities. It will surely show your ability to work in a team, as well as your leadership. Choose the best option for yourself Make one hundred percent certain that a college or university you have chosen provides students with cheerleading deals and scholarships. It will be a shame to make a mistake in such a nuance. Prove your qualification and competitiveness The more cheerleading awards you have, the most likely you are to get a scholarship. As we have already mentioned, don`t forget about academic awards as well. Always have a B plan Unfortunately, not all students get their desirable scholarships. So, don`t let this fact spoil your plans on successful high education. Think about other ways to pay for your education and enjoy your college life even without cheerleading deal and finance help. A list of universities with cheerleading scholarships University of Hawaii All talented athletes do their best to become a student of this university, as it really welcomes gifted students and provides them with awesome cheerleading scholarships. The University of Hawaii offers not only cool environment with sunshine, beach and all that stuff, but beneficial financial cheerleading program annually. Fort Hays State University Located in Kansas, Fort Hays State University also offers scholarships for cheerleaders. $1,000 to each winner provided. Not bad, huh? University of Delaware This place is a real paradise for cheerleaders. The University of Delaware always attracts new athletes looking for a chance to get financial aid and training opportunities. Their Fightin’ Blue Hens Cheer Team is well-known throughout local areas. Besides performing at some university events, they also give concerts for charity and on some public events. Indiana Wesleyan University Indiana Wesleyan University provides all members of the school’s Red Cheer Team with a significant scholarship. Each hard-working, talented and active participant earns up to $1000. The competition is high, since only 15 candidates get cheerleading scholarship annually, but it is totally worth a try. If you feel confident in your cheerleading talent, have advanced skills and good results in academics, you really have a chance to create a college cheerleading squad and get a scholarship. So do your best and good luck!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cancer is a major burden of disease in the world
Cancer is a major burden of disease in the world A term of cancer can define as diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymphatic systems. There are several types of cancer. Carcinoma is a cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs. Sarcoma is a cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Leukaemia is a cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue, such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood. Lymphoma and multiple myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system. Central nervous system cancers are cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord also called malignancy. Cancer is a major burden of disease in the world. Each year, tens of millions of people are diagnosed with cancer around the world, and more than half of the patients eventually die from it. In many countries, cancer ranks the second most common cause of death following cardiovascular diseases. As elderly people are most susceptible to cancer and population aging continues in many countries, cancer will remain a major health problem around the globe. (national cancer institiute, 2016) It is usually not possible to know exactly why one person develops cancer and another doesn’t. But research has shown that certain risk factors may increase a person’s chances of developing cancer. Diet, Obesity, Tobacco and disease screening are important lifestyle practices that increase cancer risk, Cancer harms the body when altered cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of tissue called tumours (except in the case of leukaemia where cancer prohibits normal blood function by abnormal cell division in the blood stream). Tumours can grow and interfere with the digestive, nervous, and circulatory systems, and they can release hormones that alter body function. Tumours that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be benign. More dangerous, or malignant, tumours form when two things occur: A cancerous cell manages to move throughout the body using the blood or lymphatic systems, destroying healthy tissue in a process called invasion That cell manages to divide and grow, making new blood vessels to feed itself in a process called angiogenesis. When a tumor successfully spreads to other parts of the body and grows, invading and destroying other healthy tissues, it is said to have metastasized. This process itself is called metastasis, and the result is a serious condition that is very difficult to treat. There are some general signs and symptoms associated with cancer. They are fatigue, lump or area of thickening that can be felt under the skin, weight changes including unintended loss or gain, skin changes, such as yellowing, darkening or redness of the skin, sores that wont heal, or changes to existing moles, changes in bowel or bladder habits, persistent cough or trouble breathing, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating, persistent unexplained muscle or joint pain, persistent, unexplained fevers or night sweats. Cells can experience uncontrolled growth if there are mutations to DNA, and therefore, alterations to the genes involved in cell division. The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform. Not only that but also it tells how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal function and may allow a cell to become cancer. Four key types of gene are responsible for the cell division process: oncogenes tell cells when to divide, tumor suppressor genes tell cells when not to divide, suicide genes control apoptosis and tell the cell to kill itself if something goes wrong, and DNA-repair genes instruct a cell to repair damaged DNA. Cancer occurs when a cells gene mutations make the cell unable to correct DNA damage and unable to commit suicide. Similarly, cancer is a result of mutations that inhibit oncogene and tumor suppressor gene function, leading to uncontrollable cell growth.A gene mutation can instruct a healthy cell to these things. They are allowing rapid growth, fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth, make mistake when repairing DNA errors. Allow rapid growth means a gene mutation can tell a cell to grow and divide more rapidly. This generate many new cells that all have that same mutation. Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth means normal cells know when to stop growing. Therefore, we have just the right number of each type of cell. Cancer cells lose the controls. It tells them when to stop growing. A mutation in a tumour suppressor gene.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International Management Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International Management Research Report - Essay Example People believe that all the alliances on international level work efficiently and effectively. However, that's not the case because if certain factors like legal, political, social, customer preferences are not focused efficiently then alliance of any nature might not work effectively. Organizations are getting bigger and stronger day by day and their area of operations is expanding. Organizations are changing their methodology of working and newer terms like employee empowerment, mergers, acquisitions, motivation and business alliances are changing the conventional methods of working. The span of control is widening up and they are enhancing their profits and entering into newer contracts with the diversified approach. Organizations besides achieving short term targets are stressing on long term objectives too. Since they are expanding therefore they are merging other companies into their own horizon and forming new strategies in order to achieve the overall goal. An agreement of mutual consent between businesses that initiated for cost reduction, improved service or for any other strategic factor is known as a business alliance. In the current century alliances are considered as a sign of victory and they are treated as an element of growth. Business alliance is actually working with your competitors and this strategy is favorable when two or more organizations view the bigger picture and thinks in terms of favoring the industry and their our profits too. In today's world fierce competitors are becoming business partners just to earn more profit and reduce their costs. Usually alliances are mostly on 50-50 basis and mutuality is considered to be the important factor besides the ratio. Besides bigger organizations smaller organizations are also benefiting a lot from this strategy and they are combining with other small organizations and enlarging their vision and objectives (Daft, 2008). There are numerous alliances on national and international basis in order to earn strategic advantage. Dell computers are considered to be the largest sellers of Pc's world wide and they firmly believe their customer-centric approach and their alliances are the main reason of this success. Dell computers are extensively in touch with their suppliers and they some times follow the acquisition strategy and buy out the supplier. Same is the case with retail giants Wall mart and K-mart that they either buy out their suppliers or some times outsource certain areas to them in order to obtain better results. Managers and decision makers are facing a paradoxical situation that whether to opt for international business alliance or not. Some mangers believe that sharing the resources might be a dangerous strategy on international basis. This is a definite challenge because managers have to risk their resources and a huge amount of dollars are at stake when an international business alliance is formed (Phatak, 2008). Managers can form alliances in different forms and the examples of business alliances can be joint ventures, licensing, equity partnerships, etc. In certain scenarios mergers and acquisitions also come under this category.
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