Thursday, January 9, 2020
Student Motivation Essay - 2593 Words
Motivation in Schools nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The topic I originally planned to look into for my Action Research Paper was the affect of reward systems on a student’s academic performance. My idea was that a student’s performance could be influenced by the presence of a reward system. I was interested in seeing if certain subject areas were more likely to use such systems than other subject areas. I strived to see if a student’s academic performance could mean more than just their exam scores and ability to complete assignments. I wished to see if a reward system could change the way a student was motivated in the classroom; to see if their overall attitude could be changed. I also thought to look into their attendance in classes†¦show more content†¦In that class, we used two textbooks which I felt fit my topics needs. The chapters on motivation proved useful to my paper, and even gave me ideas to look further into. In the chapter, it discussed a student’s need for a ffiliation and approval. By wanting to be a part of a group, a student might be motivated to perform in a certain way, in order to gain entrance to that group and in turn gain their approval. The idea of achievement motivation was also brought up, in which students need to excel only for their own sake without external rewards. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I found that Alfie Kohn, author of Punished by Rewards and many other books on education, feels that achievement motivation is most important to a student truly learning. He feels that authentic experiences in the classroom can only occur when the teacher leaves out all words of praise and punishment. He feels that praise can often be empty in nature, and in turn could actually do more damage to a student than good. Punishments are also damaging, because students could be turned off to learning because they constantly feel threatened by the teacher. He feels that if we want students to take responsibility for their learning, it is up to us to give them responsibilities. They will in turn learn to make good decisions by having the opportunity to decide what happens to them everyShow MoreRelatedStudent Motivation : Students Motivation991 Words  | 4 PagesSTUDENT MOTIVATION IN COLLEGE Motivation is defined as the acts or psychological processes that arouse and direct people’s goal-directed behavior (Kinicki Williams, 2012) and that drives them to the expenditure of effort to accomplish results (DuBrin, 2008, cited in Williams Williams, 2011); seen that way, motivation is inherent to the human being and of complete necessity in order to realize any endeavor. It’s pertinent to cite H. W. 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