Friday, May 22, 2020
Evaluation Of A Student For Special Education Essay
In order for a student to be eligible for special education services, the regular education teacher discovers that there is a problem. From there, a screening must take place. The screening can consist of hearing, vision, communication, and any other type that may be needed. Permission is not needed in order to do a screening. Next, Response to Intervention begins, also known as RTI. This provides levels or tiers of increasingly intensive instruction to help students master academic content. Tier 1 takes place in a regular classroom setting. Tier 2 involves and allows the student to go out to a specialty teacher. Tier 3 mainly takes place in a special education classroom. Tier 3 requires more one-on-one instruction for the student from the teacher. RTI serves two purposes- support struggling learners and identify students with learning disabilities. Parents are invited to take part in their child’s RTI process. Other school professionals also take part during the RTI process to meet the child needs. Research Based Interventions are used during the RTI process. Data is gathered during the RTI process on a regular basis. After a few weeks, the team meets again to determine how beneficial the interventions are for the child. If RTI is working, it is continued, if RTI is not working, a meeting takes pla ce where the RTI data is presented. Then the referral process initiates. The referral process commences with an Admissions and Release Committee known as ARC. Here, the studentShow MoreRelatedEssay1706 Words  | 7 PagesSpecial Education A. The six key components are as follows: 1. Zero Reject/FAPE: This says that all children ages 6-17, no matter what their physical/mental ability, are guaranteed the right to a free public education. 2. 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